
Initial Appointment, Consultation & Treatment


This involves a unique cranial technique that allows the brain to help send better messages to other organs and parts of the body. It is the foundation of our work and is needed before receiving other treatments. Please allow up to 2 hours for this session.

QEST / MFR Bodywork Sessions

$90 Per Session | Bundle 6 Sessions for $450

Each session is individualized and tailored to where your body is at the moment. Through muscle testing I will validate which modality will be most effective for that visit. All that is required from you is… the will to want to be healed.


Hello, I am Rich Schlosser a certified Practitioner of QEST and MFR in Pagosa Springs CO. I have always been infatuated with the human body and its ability to heal itself, giving the correct environment. For decades I have been on a quest of health, healing and spiritual growth. I consider myself a healer but more of a conductor that can help direct your own bodies energy to where it needs to be, to keep things balanced. I’m excited to work with you through QEST, MFR and Bodywork to help your body return to its full energetic capacity so you can, heal and feel good!

Myofascial Release

Fascia is your shock absorption system that actually holds your body together. The Fascial system is the largest, most continuous system in your body. This three dimensional web-like system is comprised of gel like fluid. Fascia surrounds and flows through every muscle, bone, cell and organ in your body, from head to toe. It should be fluid and ever changing as your body demands. If the elasticity of the fascia become restricted or solidified, the fascial strains can cause pain, malfunction and imbalance through all parts of your body. The goal of Myofascial release is to remove your fascial restrictions.

MFR a safe and effective hands-on approach that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into fascia restrictions. When a release is felt, we go deeper to gently loosen the ground substance which changes the viscosity to a more gel state and increases the glide of the fascial tissue. When the fascia is open, pliable and fluid, it allows movement between structures and organs that is free of friction, then the whole body can function and move with ease the way it is supposed to. Releasing the fascia can bring incredible relief and help you regain or maintain good health.

Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy (QEST)

Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy (QEST) is a non-invasive energy medicine approach to optimal health.  A healthy body is one that is free and clear of energy blockages.  QEST can help identify these blockages in early stages by using a unique language of codes that correspond vibrationally with conditions of the body.  These codes are tapped on the body in a Morse-code fashion and then muscle-tested to confirm if the condition is present on an energetic level…sometimes before symptoms even appear.

There is a corrective procedure for each code that is performed and saved through gentle-touch therapy or subtle directional movement, along with the client’s breathing, to re-align disrupted energy patterns and stimulate the body to heal itself.  How soon your body experiences results will depend on the amount of layers contributing to the condition.

As a Health & Wellness program, it is highly recommended to systematically check through the codes in numerical order to help identify underlying causes of a condition.  Each visit picks up where we left off in the sequence of codes to determine which energetic disturbances show up and need to be addressed.  By going ‘in order’ this systematic approach will help restore your body to its optimal health and higher quality of life.


Sometimes our bodies just need to relax and unwind, human touch is one of the most healing energies on the planet. I offer a wide range of techniques that vary from deep to soft tissue, trigger point, Gua Sha and Myofascial release. Intuitively I can help soothe any tension or tight spots in your muscle tissue inviting them to realign and take their natural coarse. I also have experience in opening up meridian lines and balancing posture. Each session is catered to what your body needs at that time. I offer a clean, safe, quiet environment with soft music and essential oil aromas. I assure you will walk away rejuvenated and refreshed.


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